An exceptional Roman imperial seal of fine style
Los 3970
Trajan, 98-117, RY 14 = 110/111. Seal (Lead, 20x24 mm, 4.50 g). TPAIANOY K[...] - LIΔ Laureate head of Trajan to right. Rev. Textile imprint. Cf. Turcan, Nigra Moneta, 3 = Rostowzew/Prou 6 (RY 8). Apparently unublished, an exceptional Roman imperial seal in the finest style. Minor surface cracks, otherwise, good very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

Turcan published a seal from Lyon, found in the river Saône, that may be connected to ours. It shows a portrait of Trajan in a similar fine style, and a regnal year in the right field. Moreover, it apparently also has the same legend: TRAIANOY KVPIOV ΔAKIKOY. The reverse is reported to have a wood imprint, with Turcan suggesting that it may have been attached to crates containing mail from Alexandria. Our seal seems to have the imprint of two folds of textile, suggesting it was attached to a sack. Turcan also published another example (no. 2), dated to RY 5, but the legend on this seal is fragmentary and the emperor's name is off flan. The photo suggests that it shows Trajan or Hadrian.
50 CHF
550 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 21-Dec-21, 15:23:30 CET
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